

Click here to login the system. 

Control your productions by real-time insight into the status of the crops

Do you recognize the following:
  • What are the costs of my crop activities?
  • What crop activities should our employees do, the coming period?
  • When will my crops be harvested and how much do I expect to harvest?
  • What specific cultivation details were in my crops during the cultivation?
  • How many hours have my employees worked and how many hours of holiday do they still have?
Then Crops Online is something for you!

Registration of crops in the cloud

Crops Online is an online crop management system in which all kinds of crop data can be registered. You can think of the different growing activities, but also checks and observations you do during the cultivation of your crops. This concerns crops that take place in-house, but also contract crops with other parties. The system is therefore extremely suitable for breeding companies, market gardeners and trading companies in flowers, plants and fruit and vegetables.

The registration can be done manually or by an automatic link with other systems. In this way you have direct insight into the progress and quality of the crops, even when they are at other locations and at other growers. With Crops Online it is also possible to automatically transfer the cultivation data to other systems. Crops Online also provides the link between systems of the growers and systems of the breeding and trading companies.

The advantages of Crops Online

  • 24/7 Worldwide insight in your crop data: You can access your crop data everywhere and always. All you need is an Internet connection.
  • Working secure and reliable: Security at the highest level, reliable service and no IT knowledge.
  • Flexible subscriptions: You can change your subscription easily - you only pay for what you use.
  • Online collaboration: Work easily online with your colleagues, producers and suppliers.
  • No specific hardware necessary: Because Crops Online runs on the Internet, it's not necessary to buy specific hardware (like a database server) to work with Crops Online.

Free and trial subscription (without activation costs)

Would you like to try all modules 30 days for free without paying the activation costs? Go to our site (www.vanruijven-it.com) and click the "Request demo account" button.

More information

See our site for more information about Crops Online, the module structure, the prices, etc: www.vanruijven-it.com


Crops Online is developed by Van Ruijven IT (www.vanruijven-it.com). For information about Crops Online, please send a mail to info@cropsonline.nl